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El The aim of the workshop is to achieve an informed and technically competent body and find a neutral centre from which to move. The class stresses consciousness of the body in movement;  rather than being aware of only form we must consider the dynamic; how we move our body and the pathways through space that we describe, how we use impulse and suspension and how to minimise the use of force while retaining physicality.The workshop will comprise of an eclectic but formal technical warm up followed by movement material of the company, and if time allows the sharing of some of the movement generators and improvisational tools that we use in TND.Thomas Noone has delivered masterclasses and lead workshops extensively throughout Spain, Europe and further afield. In Barcelona apart from giving periodic workshops in his company he has guested at the Institut del teatro as well as other institutions in the city, He has also been a guest at the University of Alicante as well as Ondare in San Sebastian the conservatoire of Ribarroja in Valencia and others. In Italy he has taught regularly at the Dance Art Faculty (DAF) in Rome, in various institutions in Turin as well as giving classes in the UK, Sant Petersburg and Tokyo. He also has lead company class at the BANCH in Chile, Tanztheatre Munster and StopGAP.

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